Marvin is a light yellow Hachitsu with dark grey ears, muzzle, hands, legs, and tail. He has a large dark grey stripe on his abdomen, a small yellow notch in his left ear, and a yellow nose. Marvin has soft fur and a small tuft of hair on his head.


Aliquam erat volutpat. Donec in eros lorem. Aenean urna arcu, lacinia at felis sed, cursus auctor velit. Sed ornare felis ex, scelerisque euismod velit imperdiet nec. Phasellus tincidunt ligula est, pellentesque tincidunt ligula bibendum a. In rutrum mattis erat, et porta nisi vestibulum in. Sed condimentum porttitor rutrum. Curabitur id eros augue. Maecenas imperdiet ultricies sem. Quisque tempor, libero sed fringilla sollicitudin, ligula lectus scelerisque enim, eget vehicula ipsum magna ut libero. Nullam pretium, massa at consequat tristique, lectus mauris feugiat ligula, tempor malesuada mi libero quis nulla. Curabitur at neque sed justo iaculis consectetur. Duis suscipit lorem id enim pulvinar, ac ornare augue viverra. Nam eget maximus enim, ac ultricies sem. Duis gravida faucibus odio sed aliquam.


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  • Marvin’s original design was the generic design for the entire Hachitsu species. They were all planned to have rounded ears, tails, and one stripe in the middle with little color variation. This was scrapped to allow for better and more unique character design. The only differences given to Marvin however, were the yellow spot on his nose and left ear.