Joel is a short yellow Seiki with light yellow antennae and light blue eyes. Joel was born with proppennae (the condition in which a Seiki is born with their antennae abnormally close together) which he inherited from his father. Joel has a small purple scar on his left antennae caused by his mother when he was little. He wears a dark blue headband that used to belong to his father, Pau. He almost never takes this headband off, as it is one of the few belongings he still has from his childhood home, and it hides his scar.


Aliquam erat volutpat. Donec in eros lorem. Aenean urna arcu, lacinia at felis sed, cursus auctor velit. Sed ornare felis ex, scelerisque euismod velit imperdiet nec. Phasellus tincidunt ligula est, pellentesque tincidunt ligula bibendum a. In rutrum mattis erat, et porta nisi vestibulum in. Sed condimentum porttitor rutrum. Curabitur id eros augue. Maecenas imperdiet ultricies sem. Quisque tempor, libero sed fringilla sollicitudin, ligula lectus scelerisque enim, eget vehicula ipsum magna ut libero. Nullam pretium, massa at consequat tristique, lectus mauris feugiat ligula, tempor malesuada mi libero quis nulla. Curabitur at neque sed justo iaculis consectetur. Duis suscipit lorem id enim pulvinar, ac ornare augue viverra. Nam eget maximus enim, ac ultricies sem. Duis gravida faucibus odio sed aliquam.


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Character Songs

A character song is a song that fits a character or has inspired aspects of the character and their story


  • Joel was given his name with the intention to be pronounced “joe-ell,” but most of the Kingdoms of Seasons audience pronounces it as “jole.” The original pronunciation is still the correct one, but it’s since become an in-universe fact that characters constantly mispronounce his name.
  • Joel and his brother Jeremiah were purposefully given names to create an alliteration, and for them to both be biblical names. While christianity does not exist in Kingdoms of Seasons, our association with biblical names were meant to be a hint towards Stacy’s strive to have a “perfect family.”
  • Joel’s design has not changed from his very first concept art.
  • Joel was originally meant to be a fiction writer, but was later switched to a poetry writer.
  • When Joel left the kingdom to see Mae, he was originally going to be attacked by a badger instead of a garden snake.
  • Joel’s original concept was to be a house-husband for Mae while she continued to explore the forest. Their dynamic has since become more balanced, but still keeps the role reversal element.