Jeremiah is a short yellow seiki with pale yellow eyes and light yellow antennae. Jeremiah wears a dark blue bandanna around his neck since his childhood. It was made by his mother to resemble the one his father wore.


Aliquam erat volutpat. Donec in eros lorem. Aenean urna arcu, lacinia at felis sed, cursus auctor velit. Sed ornare felis ex, scelerisque euismod velit imperdiet nec. Phasellus tincidunt ligula est, pellentesque tincidunt ligula bibendum a. In rutrum mattis erat, et porta nisi vestibulum in. Sed condimentum porttitor rutrum. Curabitur id eros augue. Maecenas imperdiet ultricies sem. Quisque tempor, libero sed fringilla sollicitudin, ligula lectus scelerisque enim, eget vehicula ipsum magna ut libero. Nullam pretium, massa at consequat tristique, lectus mauris feugiat ligula, tempor malesuada mi libero quis nulla. Curabitur at neque sed justo iaculis consectetur. Duis suscipit lorem id enim pulvinar, ac ornare augue viverra. Nam eget maximus enim, ac ultricies sem. Duis gravida faucibus odio sed aliquam.


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Character Songs

A character song is a song that fits a character or has inspired aspects of the character and their story


  • Jeremiah and his brother Joel were purposefully given names to create an alliteration, and for them to both be biblical names. While christianity does not exist in Kingdoms of Seasons, our association with biblical names were meant to be a hint towards Stacy’s strive to have a “perfect family.”
  • In Jeremiah’s original concept, he was significantly less hot-headed and was described as a “cool jock character.” Jeremiah has veered in a completely different direction and is now one of the most unstable and volatile characters.
  • Jeremiah’s relationship with Noble started out as a crack ship that was “unlikely to happen,” but were eventually written together to see if a relationship between them would be possible. From there they became one of the ships to have the most development and strongest bonds.
  • Jeremiah is one of the only characters that has not yet found a headcanon voice.