Dolly is a short pink Seiki with light pink double-pronged antennae and tail, and light pink eyes and eyelashes. Dolly typically wears a pink dress she made herself during her high school years.


Aliquam erat volutpat. Donec in eros lorem. Aenean urna arcu, lacinia at felis sed, cursus auctor velit. Sed ornare felis ex, scelerisque euismod velit imperdiet nec. Phasellus tincidunt ligula est, pellentesque tincidunt ligula bibendum a. In rutrum mattis erat, et porta nisi vestibulum in. Sed condimentum porttitor rutrum. Curabitur id eros augue. Maecenas imperdiet ultricies sem. Quisque tempor, libero sed fringilla sollicitudin, ligula lectus scelerisque enim, eget vehicula ipsum magna ut libero. Nullam pretium, massa at consequat tristique, lectus mauris feugiat ligula, tempor malesuada mi libero quis nulla. Curabitur at neque sed justo iaculis consectetur. Duis suscipit lorem id enim pulvinar, ac ornare augue viverra. Nam eget maximus enim, ac ultricies sem. Duis gravida faucibus odio sed aliquam.


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Character Songs

A character song is a song that fits a character or has inspired aspects of the character and their story


  • Dolly was originally written with a southern accent.
  • In the first concept art, Dolly was meant to play the role of a “tutorial character” that would introduce Mae or a player to the world and controls. Kingdoms of Seasons was originally a video game concept, then an animated film concept, and finally, the graphic novel series.
  • Dolly is meant to act as a contrast to Mae’s journey growing up. While Mae’s journey was slow and perilous, Dolly’s seemed quick and easy. Mae was meant to come back and find Dolly with achievements that made her seem like she was “ahead” in terms of success (getting married, having kids). This concept has been greatly expanded and is now much more nuanced. The contrast is still there, but the journey was a struggle for both of them. Rather than having tension, the two bond over their shared understanding of their struggles.
  • Dolly’s design has not changed since her original concept art. Her dress is much more plain than her sisters’, but this was later given a reason in the lore; It was Dolly’s first dress she had made in highs school and she continues to wear it to remember that happy time in her life.
  • Dolly’s headcanon voice is Galinda from Wicked.